Adam Lauring, MD, PhD, from the University of Michigan Division of Infectious Diseases, an expert on the evolutionary biology of RNA viruses, explains the new genetic variants recently found in SARS-CoV-2 and their importance.
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Elderly persons and residents of nursing homes have been the hardest hit in the COVID-19 pandemic. Harvard geriatrician Sharon Inouye, MD, discusses the effect COVID-19 has had on nursing homes and what should be done about it.
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Homeless patients with chronic medical conditions who need long-term care often repeatedly present to emergency departments to receive treatment. Following a performance improvement analysis, clinicians at UCSF developed an emergency department–based team who work with the community to provide care for this challenging population. Hemal Kanzaria, MD, and Jack Chase, MD, discuss how UCSF has addressed this clinical problem.
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Caring for Emergency Department Patients With Complex Medical, Behavioral Health, and Social Needs
JAMA Fishbein Fellow Kristin Walter, MD, interviews Craig Garfield, MD and Richard Weissbourd, EdD, about parental relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Considerations for Young Children and Those With Special Needs as COVID-19 Continues
Lockdowns resulting from COVID-19 have had a devastating effect on everyone’s personal lives and the economy. What factors in people’s daily lives are most associated with SARS-CoV-2 transmission between people? Manish Patel, MD, team lead of the CDC’s Influenza Prevention & Control Team, discusses a study they conducted examining what sorts of activities might be associated with COVID-19 disease transmission.
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Community Outbreak Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Among Bus Riders in Eastern China
It is well known that alcohol use severely affects driving ability, but does cannabis? There are many fewer traffic crashes related to cannabis than alcohol intoxication. Johannes Ramaekers, PhD, of the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, discusses his study examining the relationship between vaping THC and driving safety.
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Closing businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating consequences for individuals and the economy in general. Proper air handling combined with the use of masks and physical distancing can greatly improve the safety of indoor spaces. Joseph Allen, DSc, MPH, assistant professor of exposure assessment science at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Andrew Ibrahim, MD, assistant professor of surgery and architecture and urban planning at the University of Michigan, discuss air conditioning standards that can substantially reduce the risk of disease transmission in indoor spaces.
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Judith Lieu, MD, from the Department of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery at Washington University in St Louis, discusses the need for screening young children for hearing loss and the importance of treating hearing loss as early in life as is possible.
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