An estimated 45% of accredited US obstetrics and gynecology residency programs are located in states that currently ban or severely restrict abortions. JAMA Associate Editor Linda Brubaker, MD, and JAMA Internal Medicine Deputy Editor Deborah Grady, MD, speak with medical students, program directors, and other specialists in the ob-gyn training community about new restrictions and their effects on ob-gyn education in the US.
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Conflict of Interest Disclosures:
Hannah Nguyen reported that she held leadership positions on Boston University’s School of Medicine chapters of SPA-1 and DREAM. Margaux Zimmerman reported that she held leadership positions on Boston University’s, School of Medicine chapters of ACOG and DREAM. Dr Gariepy reported that she was the Yale Complex Family Planning fellowship director from 2018 to March 2022, for which she received salary support from her institution; taught undergraduate and medical students, ob-gyn residents, and Complex Family Planning fellows; and is a research mentor for Complex Family Planning fellows who received research grants from the Society of Family Planning Research Fund. Dr Gariepy also reported leadership positions on the board of directors for the Society of Family Planning and the Complex Family Planning Fellowship Council and membership with Physicians for Reproductive Health, the National Abortion Federation, and the Society of Family Planning. Dr Steinauer is a member of the Society of Family Planning. Dr Loder reported that she serves as a principal investigator for contraceptive clinical trials for Merck and Sebela Pharmaceuticals Inc, consults for American Medical Students Association, and serves as program director for Complex Family Planning Fellowship, University of Michigan, Michigan Medicine. No other disclosures were reported.